Friday, 4 October 2013

Sago sketch - Mercorabilia

Today you're (hopefully) in a for a treat as I proudly present my first ever sketch from my Mercorabilia collection - a selection of sketches inspired by a certain Souvenir Programme but written by yours truly.

A: How do you start a pudding race?
B: I don’t know.
A: Sago.
<audience laughs (hopefully)>
B: What?
A: Sago.
B: What’s that got to do with pudding?
A: Sago.
B: Yes?
A: It’s a pudding.
B: <snorts> No it’s not.
A: Yes it is!
B: What sa-go as in ‘say go’?
A: Yes!
B: You’re making it up.
A: No I’m not – I’m really not
B: All right then – what is it?
A: What?
B: What is it?
A:  <pauses> It’s a pudding.
B: Yes – what kind of pudding?
A: A…sago pudding.
B: You don’t know, do you?
A: <pauses> Look – what does it matter? It’s a pudding! Sago is a pudding. A pudding! How do you start a pudding race? Sago.
B: Sago?
A: Sago.
B: <pause> It’s not a very good joke, is it?
A: <pause> No – not really.

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