Wednesday, 31 March 2021

From The Mind of Merc - NotAllMen

 Sometimes I find my mind wandering over various eclectic topics and occasionally I am inspired to write some of them down. Today I was thinking about the infuriating hashtag which is #notallmen.

I'm not going to go into a lot of argument about the topic. Instead, I'm just going to say this:

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Malone sketch - Mercorabilia

I wrote another sketch today.

A: I’m Malone

B: Aren’t we all?

A: What? No I mean I’m Malone. Steve Malone.

B: I know. What else do you expect at this Malone family reunion?

A: So you’re…

B: Malone. I’m Malone too. Hello. Bob Malone.

A: Right. Well, nice to meet you. <pause> So you didn’t think I said ‘I’m Alone’ just then?

B: No. Why would I? Quite clearly you’re not. None of us are. There’s several hundred of us just in this one room so why would think you’re alone.

A: Well, I’m not with anyone. I could have lost the person I was with so I could be alone. Er… technically we could all said to be alone, you know, in this great big world of ours…

B: I see. <pause> Well, I didn’t think any of that.

A: Right. Good.

B: Good.


A: So do you come here often?

B: What?!?

A: T-to the reunion, I mean.

B: Oh, yes. Every year.

A: Really? Cos I’ve not seen you here before.

B: Well, that’s not that strange, is it? Because, as I just said, there’s absolutely hundreds of us here. So the chances of us running into the same people all the time must be pretty slim.

A: Yeah, but big family or not, it’s more than likely we’ll all see everyone who’s here at some point so I’m just wondering how come I haven’t seen you before.


B: Alright. I lied. I’m not really a Malone. I’m a Jameson. It’s just… I saw this big party and it looked so amazing and I just wanted to join in.

A: You mean you gatecrashed someone else’s party? Why on earth would you do that?

B: Well… I guess it’s because… I’m alone.

Monday, 1 March 2021

The Last Rolo - Mercorabilia

I wrote this sketch today. 

F: I wuv you

M: I wuv you too

F: How much do you wuv me?

M: So much so that I’m going to give you… my last rolo

F: Aw, thanks baby

M: Because I know how much you wuv chocolate

F: <Pause> Are you saying I’m fat?

M: What? No! I was just saying you love chocolate

F: Which implies I’m fat

M: No it doesn’t! Of course it doesn’t. It just implies you have a sweet tooth

F: Because I like chocolate so much I eat it all the time and am consequently a huge porker

M: No I didn’t… Oh for pity’s sake <eats rolo> satisfied?

F: You ate the rolo

M: I know

F: You ate your last rolo

M: But you didn’t want it

F: I never said that!

M: Oh for f- fine! Next time we’re at the shops I’ll get you your own packet of rolos

F: Are you saying I’m greedy?

M: Oh bloody hell!